Topic - Emotions/ feelings - how do we express them?
Students will:
- expand their vocabulary - feelings/emotions,
- recognise that our feelings are individual,
- learn that talking about feelings can help.
1. Asking students about emotions - can they name any? What kind of
emotions can they label/ experience ?
(some photos may help – angry, sad, happy, sleepy, bored, excited, furious,etc.)
Preparing a mind map – a link attached – (done by means of spicynodes)
2. Working in groups/pairs – the students’ task is to draw a face (we can
easily use the paper plates) expressing some feelings – other groups have to
guess what emotions these facial expressions convey. Of course they have to ask
the right questions – Is he happy? Is she sad? If the group is more advanced
they should also explain why she or he feels sad. For example, She is sad
because she got a bad grade..(they can give as many reasons as they
want, using tenses they want).
3. Follow up – they can finally make posters with the plates/ faces prepared
and add some explanations ….He is happy because he got a present, it’s his birthday.
These plates the children can use as masks, then they can act out some scenes showing emotions....Everything depends on their imagination and their speaking skills.